Assist. Prof. Pisha Pittayapat

ผศ.ทพญ.ดร.พิสชา พิทยพัฒน์

Department: Radiology

Specialist: Forensic Odontology


Ph.D. (Biomedical Sciences)University of Leuven, BelgiumB.E. 2557
Diplomate, Thai Board of Forensic OdontologyThe Dental CouncilB.E. 2558
M.Sc. (Forennsic Odontology)University of Leuven, BelgiumB.E. 2551
Grad. Dip. in Clin. Sc. (Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology)Chulalongkorn UniversityB.E. 2549
D.D.S. (Dentistry)Chulalongkorn UniversityB.E. 2547

Academic Paper


A : Article in Journal

Limjeerajarus N, Dhammayannarangsi P, Phanijjiva A, Tangsripongkul P, Jearanaiphaisarn T, Pittayapat P, Limjeerajarus CN. Comparison of ultimate force revealed by compression tests on extracted first premolars and FEA with a true scale 3D multi-component tooth model based on a CBCT dataset. Clin Oral Investig. January 2020;24(1):211-220 SCOPUS 
Trinh HA, Dam VV, Le B, Pittayapat P, Thunyakitpisal P. Indirect Sinus Augmentation With and Without the Addition of a Biomaterial: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Implant dentistry. 1 December 2019;28(6): 571-577 SCOPUS 
Benjavongkulchai S, Pittayapat P. Age estimation methods using hand and wrist radiographs in a group of contemporary Thais. Forensic Sci Int. Jun 2018;287:218 .e1-218.e8. SCOPUS 
Pittayapat P, Jacobs R, Bornstein MM, Odri GA, Lambrichts I, Willems G, Politis C, Olszewski R. Three-dimensional Frankfort horizontal plane for 3D cephalometry: a comparative assessment of conventional versus novel landmarks and horizontal planes. Eur J Orthod. 25 May 2018;40(3): 239-248. SCOPUS 
Benjavongkulchai S, Pittayapat P. Skeletal Age Estimation in A Group of Contemporary Thai Children and Adolescents using Tanner-Whitehouse 3 (TW3) Method. J Dent Assoc Thai. July 2017;67(Suppl):65-76. TCI 1 
Pittayapat P, Jacobs R, Bornstein MM, Odri GA, Kwon MS, Lambrichts I, Willems G, Politis C, Olszewski R. A new mandible-specific landmark reference system for three-dimensional cephalometry using cone-beam computed tomography. Eur J Orthod. Dec 2016;38(6):563-568. SCOPUS 
Durão AP, Morosolli A, Pittayapat P, Bolstad N, Ferreira AP, Jacobs R. Cephalometric landmark variability among orthodontists and dentomaxillofacial radiologists: A comparative study. Imaging Sci Dent. Dec 2015;45(4):213-20. SCOPUS 
Pauwels R, Seynaeve L, Henriques JC, de Oliveira-Santos C, Souza PC, Westphalen FH, Rubira-Bullen IR, Ribeiro-Rotta RF, Rockenbach MI, Haiter-Neto F, Pittayapat P, Bosmans H, Bogaerts R, Jacobs R. Optimization of dental CBCT exposures through mAs reduction. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. June 2015;44(9):20150108. SCOPUS 
Pittayapat P, Jacobs R, Odri GA, Vasconcelos Kde F, Willems G, Olszewski R. Reproducibility of the sella turcica landmark in three dimensions using a sella turcica-specific reference system. Imaging Sci Dent. Mar 2015;45(1):15-22. SCOPUS 

Review Article

Sinpitaksakul P, Pittayapat P, Pauwels R, Panmekiate S. Radiation Protection in Dentistry: Fundamental Concepts and Practical Approach. J Dent Assoc Thai. October – December 2018;68(4):309-317. TCI 1