Master of Science Program
in Geriatric Dentistry
and Special Patients Care

(International Program)

shutterstock 2011633685 crop Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Study duration:





Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Language of instruction:


Total credits:

40 credits


  • Leader in the Field
  • More international experience
  • Various research area to choose from


To become a world-class Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care Program


  1. Create competent national and international dentists specializing in geriatric and special patients care.
  2. Pioneer the development of knowledge and innovations in holistic care for geriatric and special patients.


The program’s educational philosophy is rooted in providing advanced knowledge and international-level scientific and ethical clinical training in geriatric and special patients care, utilizing active and practical learning methods within dental clinics, hospitals, and communities. The aim is to produce graduates with expertise in geriatric and special patients care who are committed to lifelong learning and active participation in the international dental community.

Program Learning Outcomes: PLOs

PLO1 Provide treatment for elderly patients and special patients with complex problems combined with systemic diseases using holistic assessment data, diagnosis, and planning based on professional standards and dental ethics.

PLO2 Provide recommendations for preventing and promoting oral health for the elderly and special patients with complex issues alongside systemic diseases, based on professional standards and dental ethics.

PLO3 Create research or dental innovations for the elderly and special patients that are internationally recognized, based on research ethics.

PLO4 Manage patients holistically in collaboration with interdisciplinary teams according to the standards of professional practice and the dental professional code of ethics.

PLO5 Applying digital technology for lifelong learning.

Program overview

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The substantial social transformation during this century is the increased aging population. In 2017, a number of senior citizens in Thailand were 11 million or 17% of a total population. The number will be up to 19.6% in 2030, and is expected to be up to 29.6% of a total population in 2050, making Thailand an “Super-Aged Society”. An increased dependency ratio is a great challenge to healthcare system, social security, and economics. Older people and those with special needs have complex underlying diseases and require special personal and dental care.

The Master of Science in Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care (GSP) at the Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University was established to deliver personalized dental treatment and improve standards of care to elderly and special care patients, including physically and mentally disabled, and the vulnerable ones. The program is ideal for dental professionals who are committed to provide the best dental care for their patients and families. The courses cover the fundamental to advance knowledge in several aspects of dental management. Students have opportunities to learn the core concepts and practice in geriatric dentistry and special cares in various fields of dental specialties, including operative, periodontal, prosthodontic, endodontic treatments. Students can make a practice of an effective communication skill, management of psychological and mental issues, cooperation with care givers, consultation with medical professionals, and handling underlying medical problems.

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The Master of Science in Occlusion and Orofacial Pain Program and the Higher Graduate Diploma in Clinical Sciences (Occlusion and Orofacial Pain) at the Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University are designed to deliver knowledge and practice clinical expertise to manage patients with complex masticatory dysfunction and/or orofacial pain. Our programs recognize the core concept of orofacial pain management as a whole-person biopsychosocial aspect. Thus, students will gain knowledge on basic masticatory science, functional occlusion concepts, neurophysiology, pain biology, sleep dentistry, advanced orofacial pain diagnosis and multidisciplinary pain management through lecture, specialized clinical practice and visiting pain clinic. The students can practice their communication and critical thinking skills in research projects, seminars, monthly case conferences, and interdisciplinary treatment planning. Overall, the students are ensured to achieve a high competency standard in occlusion and orofacial pain specialty at the end of our programs.

this program
at Chula?

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logo mdcu Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
logo cuhospital Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Leader in the Field

Launched in 2016, the GSP (International Program) is an interdisciplinary program driven by the patients and their families’ needs. The course details are designed and regularly updated by leading clinical experts in various fields. The program currently collaborates with the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University and King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital.

Besides, for more holistic concern for the treatments, students also have a chance to learn from experts in other fields such as the Faculty of Architecture or the College of Population Studies.


More international experience

In optional, students would have an opportunity to experience the “home visit” programs and explore geriatric related research projects, as well as new innovations in dental and oral aspects at world class leading universities.


Various research area to choose from

The program’s curriculum is opened for the students to accommodate in different interests in research opportunities and knowledges through various course works from clinical study to public health, or microbiology and genetics.

geria website 01 Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Message from the director

The Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care Program is an interdisciplinary program at the Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University focusing on oral health care for elderly and special patients. A graduate has special knowledge of the aging process and special skills in the diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive, and rehabilitative aspects of oral health problems in the elderly and special patients. The training involves collaboration of multidisciplinary team, intellectually stimulating innovation, and the cutting-edge research to make an impact on the oral health and quality of living for older people.

Our program instructors comprise of outstanding academic staffs from the faculty of dentistry, faculty of medicine, nursing schools and staffs at the affiliated institutes such as nutritionists, pharmacologists, family medicine and also the off-site staffs at nursing homes and elderly/community clubs. The faculties are highly experienced in teaching and research. They are also enthusiastic in sharing their valuable knowledge and experience in care for elderly and special patients.

The program was first established in March 2016. Up to now, the program includes various learning experiences across a range of care settings including the out-patients, in-patients, community setting in Thai rural area, and internationally through the annual trip to Tokyo Medical Dental University, Japan. The graduates are able to deal with the complex medical and psychosocial problems of older adults while providing oral care. The oral health promotion and prevention is emphasized.

faculty Anjalaa Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Anjalee Vacharaksa

(Course Director)

Career possibilities

  • General dentist who can perform dental treatment with confidence, sufficient knowledge, and profound clinical skills for the complex elderly patients and special patients.
  • Researcher focusing on geriatric cases, quality of life issues, and oral and general health, public health policy.
  • Lecturer at a university or college aiming to distribute knowledge and improve their skills in management of geriatric and special patients.
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IMG 2800 Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
IMG 0979 Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Course details

Course structure

Total credits Required
Plan A1 (Thesis only)
40 credits
Plan A1 (Coursework and Thesis)
40 credits

Study Duration

4 Semesters
No less than 1 Semester not over 8 Semesters


Plan A1
Thesis Only
Coursework and Thesis
Total credits required
Coursework credits
Required courses
Elective courses
Thesis credits


Required Courses

3200770Dental Management in Medically Compromised Geriatric Patients1(1-0-3)
 3200771Advanced Geriatric Dentistry I   1(1-0-3)
3200772Advanced Geriatric Dentistry II1(1-0-3)
3200773Oral Health Promotion and Prevention in Elderly  1(1-0-3)
3200774Advanced Geriatric Dentistry Seminar II1(1-0-3)
 3200775Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care Clinic I4(0-12-4) 
 3200776Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care Clinic II 4(0-12-4)
 3200777Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care Clinic III5(0-15-5)
3200778Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care Clinic IV5(0-15-5)
3200782Advanced Geriatric Dentistry Seminar I1(1-0-3)
3200783Oral Care and Management for Special Needs Patients1(1-0-3)
3200784Oral Rehabilitation for Geriatric and Special Needs Patients1(1-0-3)

Elective Courses

3200711Biomedical Science I2(2-0-6)
3200712Biomedical Science II2(2-0-6)
3200713Research Methodology in Dentistry2(2-0-6)
3200714Statistics in Dentistry2(2-0-6)
3211701Oral Medicine I1(1-0-3)
3215781Advanced Periodontology I2(2-0-6)
3215784Advanced Periodontology IV2(2-0-6)



Academic calendar

The semester system (Aug-Dec, Jan-May)

1st Semester
August – December
2nd Semester
January – May

Candidate qualifications

  1. Hold a D.D.S or B.D.S or D.M.D. degree or equivalent from the University accredited by the Ministry of Education and/or the Dental Council of Thailand.
  2. Obtain dental license from the Thai Dental Council or other dental licenses with equivalent standard considered by the Program Administrative Committee.
  3. Have at least one year of working experience in dental practice for Program Code Plan A1 (Coursework and Thesis)
  4. Have at least 3 years of working experience in dental practice or hold a Master’s degree for Program Code Plan A1 (Thesis only)
  5. The Program Administrative Committee reserves the rights to consider other qualifications that deem appropriate to be eligible for admission.
  6. The program offers the thesis-only or research track for applicants who have interests in doing research related to Geriatric and Special Patients Care and are not willing to attend course works. Final decision for admission is subjected to the Program Administrative Committee.

Application documents

  1. Copy of identity card or government identification card (Certified copy with applicant’s signature is acceptable)
  2. Certified copy of degree certificate. A certified copy of academic transcript stating the graduation with Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University accredited by the Ministry of Education and/or the Dental Council of Thailand, and any higher degree(s) in dentistry. (Certified copy with applicant’s signature is acceptable)
  3. Result of English Proficiency achievement in one of the official English language proficiency test scores that meet the following criteria:
    1. For Program Code Plan A1 (Thesis only)
      1. CU-TEP: 67 or above 
      2. TOEFL (Institutional Test Program: ITP): 525 or above 
      3. TOEFL (Internet-based Test: iBT): 71 or above 
      4. IELTS: 5.5 or above 
    2. For Program Code Plan A1 (Coursework and Thesis)
      1. CU-TEP: 45  or above 
      2. TOEFL (Institutional Test Program: ITP): 450 or above 
      3. TOEFL (Internet-based Test: iBT): 45 or above 
      4. IELTS: 4.0 or above 
  4. A referral letter from original affiliation (institution or hospital) granting the applicant to study for at least 2 years.
  5. A letter of recommendation from current or previous employer indicating at least one-year experience in patient care as a dentist
  6. At least one letter of recommendation from dental professional, preferable the letter of recommendation from the current teaching faculty in accredited institutions.
  7. 2 pages of personal statement showing student’s academic intention, strong and weak points, and expectation from the program (in English).

*The Program Administrative Committee reserves the right to consider other qualifications that deem appropriate for admission.*

Graduation requirements

Plan A1 (Thesis only)

  • (1) Have registered for Thesis , earned the number of credits required by the Program.
    *Students who have received a grade of D+, D, F, U, or W in a compulsory course must re-register for the course until they receive a grade of A, B+, B, C+, C, or S, otherwise will be unable to graduate.
  • (2) Not exceed the period of study stipulated by the Program.
  • (3) Published or have accepted for publication.
  • (4) Have passed all required courses in their program of study, passed the Thesis Proposal Examination, passed the Thesis Examination, and met all other requirements set by the Program, the Faculty and the University.
  • (5) The student has met the English language proficiency standard set by the University or the Program Board.
  • (6) Activity attendance of Graduate student activities throughout the study period.

Plan A1 (Coursework and Thesis)

  • (1) Have registered for coursework and thesis, earned the number of credits required by the Program, and maintained a cumulative grade point average not below 3.00;
    *Students who have received a grade of D+, D, F, U, or W in a compulsory course must re-register for the course until they receive a grade of A, B+, B, C+, C, or S, otherwise will be unable to graduate.
  • (2) Not exceed the period of study stipulated by the Program
  • (3) Published or have accepted for publication or present research articles at academic conferences
  • (4) Have passed all required courses in their program of study, passed the Thesis Proposal Examination, passed the Thesis Examination, and met all other requirements set by the Program, the Faculty and the University
  • (5) The student has met the English language proficiency standard set by the University or the Program Board
  • (6) Activity attendance of Graduate student activities throughout the study period


Master of Science Program in Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care

International Program

  • Period of Admission: 3 February 2025 – 20 April 2025
  • Enroll Since: August, 2025

Procedure of admission

  1. Please read and following procedure of admission
    English Version:
  2. Application documents must copy to pdf files or image files
  3. Fill Application Form and Upload Application documents
  4. Pay the application fee and upload pay-in slip
  5. Staff sent confirmation email of application within 5 workdays

For further information pertaining to applicant’s qualifications, please contact

Geriatric Clinic

  • Email: 


Tuition fees

For Thai students
48,000 Baht (each semester)
For International Students
133,900 Baht (each semester)

Program fees

1st and 2nd Semester
25,000 Baht (each semester)


Funding for tuition fee is subjected to availability. Please follow an announcement from the Faculty of Dentistry and the Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University.


Scholarships are available from the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health for dentists who work in the government sector.

Faculty members

S 13205620 Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Anjalee Vacharaksa

(Course Director)

กนกพร พะลัง Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assoc. Prof. Kanokporn Bhalang

รศ.ทญ.ดร.เกศกัญญา สัพพะเลข Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assoc. Prof. Keskanya Subbalekha

cropped avatar graphic Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Lertrit Sarinnaphakorn

อ.ทพญ.ดร.นิภาพร เอื้อวัณณะโชติมา Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Nipaporn Urwannachotima

Nithimar Sermsuti Anuwat Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Nithimar Sermsuti-Anuwat

รศ.ทญ.ดร.อรนาฎ มาตังคสมบัติ Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assoc. Prof. Oranart Matangkasombut

Oramin Komin Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assoc. Prof. Orapin Komin

Pagaporn Pantuwadee Pisarnturakit Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assoc. Prof. Pagaporn Pantuwadee Pisarnturakit

รศ.ทญ.ดร.พนิดา ธัญญศรีสังข์ Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assoc. Prof. Panida Thanyasrisung

ผศ.ทพญ.ดร.พิสชา พิทยพัฒน์ Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Pisha Pittayapat

รศ.ทพญ.ดร.ปิยมาศ สำเร็จกาญจนกิจ Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assoc. Prof. Piyamas Sumreykanchanakij

รศ.ร.อ.หญิง ทพญ. ดร.รังสิมา สกุลณะมรรคา Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assoc. Prof. Lt. Rangsima Sakoolnamarka

Supreda Srithanyarat Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Supreda Srithanyarat

Thantrira Porntaveetus Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Prof. Thantrira Porntaveetus

อ.ทพ.นพ.วรภัทร ตราชู Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Vorapat Trachoo

อ.ทพญ.ดร.ญาณี ตันติเลิศอนันต์ Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Yanee Tantilertanant


5183d50ab1035f1d49c7effd41525471 Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
alumni Panatcha Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Panatcha Weerapol
Academic year 2016
Lecturer, Department of Community Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

“Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patient Care encouraged me to take care of elders and special patients holistically. Various cases from different backgrounds and limitations enabled me to see how to work with patient’s families, caregivers, and other specialists as part of a multidisciplinary team…We were trained to think constructively in research methodology with great materials and motivational staff. The biggest change was my thoughtful mind, I could say.”

alumni Thunyaporn Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Thunyaporn Budsamongkol
Academic year 2016
Specialist Dentist, Tron Hospital, Uttaradit

“Participating in the Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care program at Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University was such a great experience in my academic life. What I’ve learnt was involved in various fields ranging from basic knowledge, clinical skills to research development. All subjects were beneficial to draw proper treatment plans for elderly patients and how to deal with these patients in a variety of perspectives. Moreover, I was really thankful to all of my patients. They also were like my teachers and parents. Anything I have learnt from them would be highly valuable to other people. Finally, surrounded by kind expert staff members and lovely colleagues let me greatly improve my learning skills and better my systems of thinking that can be effectively integrated into other parts of my career life.

alumni Issree Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Issree Nitayavardhana
Academic year 2016
Specialist Dentist, Central Chest Institute of Thailand, Nonthaburi

“Having the chance to be in the Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care program at Chulalongkorn University has given me great insight and knowledge on many things, including comprehensive patient care, treatment planning, as well as increasing my clinical performance skills. It also allowed me to appreciate and understand the different perspectives; not just from a clinician’s standpoint on how treat these patients, but from the patient’s outlook and how they view certain things in life. The experience and opportunity that I had from this program taught me a valuable lesson and gave me not only the treatment planning and dental skills that I seek, but also the confidence and belief in myself to be able to approach each individual and unique case.”

alumni Punkanit Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Punkanit Harirugsakul
Academic year 2017
Clinician in private clinic

“Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patient Care Program at Chulalongkorn University has taught me many things, including fundamental knowledge of elderly, patient care, treatment planning, clinical skill and research development. The experienced I had gained through my practice here was valuable. Patients, patient’s families and caregivers were from different backgrounds, this allowed me to learn how to create a treatment plan from various points of view. Moreover, people in this program are really nice and willing to help each other. This is not just a place to learn, but also a place to grow.”

alumni Chanon Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Chanon Suwanprapis
Academic year 2017
Dentist, Wangnua Hospital, Lampang Province

“Having an opportunity to become a student of the Master of Science Program in Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care was such a great working experience for me. This program improved me not only on how to give proper and comprehensive dental treatments; or to hone my dental skills to handle complex elderly patients but also to learn effective communication skills for elderly and understand elderly aspects in Holistic health concepts. Moreover, I really appreciate my kind staff members and expert dentist advisors for their help and valuable suggestions that gave me confidence to be able to deal with unique and complex cases. Hopefully, I can apply my knowledge and skills to my lifetime career and improved oral healthcare services facing the aging society.”

alumni Teerawut Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Teerawut Tatiyapongpaiboon
Academic year 2017
Dentist, Thungyai Hospital, Nakhon Si Thammarat

“The geriatric dentistry and special patients care program at Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, there are one stop clinic for elderly patients that use basic knowledge and clinical skills to draw fitting treatment plans for each elderly patient and methods that manage with these patients from various perspectives. Moreover, the program also includes a hospital field and the community field in which we can learn and practice it. All are complete components for the oral health care of elderly patients. I have a great time studying this program and am confident in caring the dental elderly patients. Finally, I would like to thank the kind expert staff members and colleagues.”

alumni Sahaprom Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Sahaprom Namano
Dentist and Clinic Manager, Geriatric and Special Patient Care Dentistry Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

“My very first impression since my recruitment to work as a dentist in Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care Clinic at Chulalongkorn University has been joyful and optimistic, to say the least. My joy and optimism is not only for the pleasure in clinical practice but also in gaining an abundance of knowledge and relationship while managing the clinic as well. I have received varied perspectives, especially elderly patients’ view of lifespan, that are enabling me to give specified types of treatment, providing the best performances towards the aging patients with passion and comfort. All the experience that I have had and the skills I have improved. It is my valuable memory to be a part of this clinic.”

alumni Adisa Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Adisa Suthirathikul
Current workplace: Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani
Naresuan University
Reason for applied in Geriatric dentistry and special patients care program

To prepared for the upcoming aging society, I want to improve my capability in treating elderly patients in every aspect.

How do you feel after graduate?

Once, I felt like dealing with elderly patients was frightful because of their frailty and systemic condition. The poor oral condition with few remaining teeth is also hard to cope. But when I start studying in this course, with the instruction of several professors, I’ve gained a lot of experience in dental treatment and dental management in elderly patient. I don’t feel distress when have to confront the patient with complex medical condition like before. Because of this course, I’ve surpassed my self’s limitation and felt proud.

Moreover, the course provided me the opportunity in studying in Japan for 2 weeks. We’ve exchanged the knowledge about elderly people in many aspects, such as social structure, public health literacy, dental treatment and management, etc. All of these has inspired me and made me realized, as a dentist, there are many ways I can do to improve the elderly patient’s quality of life.

alumni Kulpriya Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Kulpriya Pravinvongvuthi
Current workplace: Dankhuntod Hospital
Khonkaen University
Reason for applied in Geriatric dentistry and special patients care program

I choose to applied for this course in Chulalongkorn university because I want to improve my clinical skill and nowadays the focus on elderly patient is become a trend.

How do you feel after graduate?

I think my skill is improved. I love the harmonious environment between me and my classmates.

alumni Thira Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Thira Faruangsaeng
Current workplace: Banpong Hospital
Chulalongkorn University
Reason for applied in Geriatric dentistry and special patients care program

I just want to know more about the elderly population and how to manage the elderly patient.

How do you feel after graduate?

I’ve gained a lot experiences in treating patient, not only for prosthodontic treatment but also operative, surgery and periodontal treatment. The study environment is peaceful and harmonious.

alumni Chawisa Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Chawisa Thangjittiporn
Pu Chao Saming Phrai Town Municipality Public Health Service Center
Chiangmai University
Reason for applied in Geriatric dentistry and special patients care program

I want to improve my skill and knowledge in holistic treatment for elderly patient.

How do you feel after graduate?

I think my skill is improved a lot. I’ve acquired a lot of the ideas and concepts for treatment planning. I’m glad that I choose to study here.

alumni no4 Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Very comprehensive program covers all special patient care fields. Students have to know to practice precise and long term care successful, special condition of each special patient, diagnosis, treatment plan, special treatment and maintenance. Study time is tailored for busy government clinician provided by excellent faculty team.

alumni no5 Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

The world’s population is ageing: virtually every country in the world is experiencing growth in the number and proportion of older persons in their population.

Having an opportunity to study in geriatric dentistry and special patient care in Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University provide us to update the beneficial knowledge and skill in geriatric patient care, not only the treatment in dental practice but also the holistic health of the geriatric people which are different from other adults patient. They require more flexible and compromised treatment plan.

We have to consider all aspect of their life to create the proper and practical treatment plan that will suit to their life and be sustainable choice for themselves and also their caregivers.

With the guidance of attentive mind and high experienced staff, we can learn so much from them to manage the complex, complicated and compromised case which also involving to special need patient.

Program activities


Geriatric Dentistry and Special Care Clinic

Faculty of Dentistry

Chulalongkorn University

8th floor, Somdejya 93 Building,
34 Henri Dunant Road, Pathumwan,
Bangkok 10330,

  • Tel. +66 2218 8812
  • Email
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