Diplomate, Thai Board of Periodontology | The Dental Council | B.E. 2562 |
Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology and Dental Implant Surgery | USA | B.E. 2561 |
Cert. (Advanced Periodontics) | University of Michigan | B.E. 2560 |
M.Sc. (Periodontics) | University of Michigan | B.E. 2560 |
D.D.S. Class Honors (Dentistry) | Chulalongkorn University | B.E. 2555 |
Academic Paper
A : Article in Journal
Text Book
Suárez López del Amo F, Sutthiboonyapan P and Wang H-L. Laser for periodontal surgery. In Stübinger et al. Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Springer Publishing Company. 2562 |