Higher Graduate Diploma
in Clinical Sciences
in Operative Dentistry
(International Program)
Study duration:
Certificate: Higher Graduate Diploma in Clinical Sciences
Language of instruction:
Thai / English
Total credits:
82 credits
Higher Graduate Diploma in Clinical Sciences Program in Operative Dentistry (International Program) is a 3-year-program equivalent to the residency training program (the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Thailand). Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded a higher graduate diploma certificate from Chulalongkorn University and will also be eligible to take the Thai Board of Operative dentistry examination. Successful completion of the examination will grant them a professional license. During the course of study, there will be simulated situations for both written and oral examinations to help students prepare themselves for the Thai board examination. These simulations are designed to assist students in their readiness for the upcoming examination and subsequent professional licensure.
Course Background
Due to the ongoing demand in Thailand for individuals with knowledge and expertise in the examination, diagnosis, treatment planning, and conservative restoration, alongside the ability to conduct research, there is also a need to produce graduates who possess knowledge and proficiency in the field of Operative Dentistry. These graduates should be capable of effectively transmitting knowledge and experiences. This forms the basis for the Higher Graduate Diploma in Clinical Sciences Program in Operative Dentistry (International Program).
Principles and Rationale
Driven by the demand for knowledgeable and skilled professionals in the field of conservative dentistry, as well as the high demand for highly specialized graduates in Thailand, the program aims to produce graduates with expertise in examining, diagnosing, treatment planning, and providing conservative dental restoration tailored to the complexities of appropriate treatment. This expertise should also be applicable to the work of medical or dental professionals in other specialties. Additionally, there is a need to cultivate graduates with critical thinking skills in comprehensive treatment planning, prioritizing the benefits to the patients, alongside a commitment to integrity and ethical conduct towards the profession and society.
this program
at Chula?
Highly Qualified Faculty Members in Both Clinical and Research Fields
The department’s faculty members, including both regular and adjunct professors, are highly qualified in both clinical and research aspects. Many of them have earned their doctoral degrees or are experts in operative dentistry, both in Thailand and internationally. During the clinical practice, students will gain diverse experiences, ranging from complex restorative procedures such as dental restorations through various techniques such as inlays, onlays, dental crowns, restorations, managing tooth decay, and aesthetical dental restorations, including complex anterior restorations, tooth whitening, and veneers. They will also work with special-needs patients and engage in interdisciplinary practices, focusing on holistic patient care.
Research Publications at National and International Levels
In terms of research, the department boasts experienced faculty members specialized in dental materials science and oral biology. Collaborations with faculty members from other departments have led to a continuous publication of research works in both national and international journals.
Standardized Clinic with Comprehensive and Modern Equipment
The Operative Dentistry Higher Graduate Program Clinic maintains high standards, equipped with comprehensive and up-to-date materials and tools, such as CAD/CAM Milling machines. The teaching methods are diverse, including lectures, seminars, and case conferences, which will foster knowledge exchange and the development of critical thinking skills among students. The faculty provides resources such as a large library with up-to-date textbooks and journals, internet access to renowned journals, a simulation center, and research centers for dental materials and oral biology, facilitating smooth research work.
Training and Development Opportunities for Students
Additionally, the department supports extracurricular activities to enhance students’ capabilities. These include advanced dental photography training, CAD/CAM training, participation in academic conferences held by various organizations such as The Association of Operative Dentistry of Thailand and The Dental Association of Thailand as well as participation in university clubs and associations. Basic life support training and voluntary activities, such as providing dental services within the faculty or in other provinces, are also offered. This ensures that upon graduation, students will be competent in providing comprehensive patient care in operative dentistry, possess research skills, and uphold ethical values and professionalism.
Message from the Director
The Higher Graduate Diploma in Clinical Sciences in Operative Dentistry (International Program) aims to enhance knowledge and develop skills in treatment planning and operative dentistry. It provides training for students to become competent in delivering comprehensive dental care and emphasizes knowledge dissemination and research for further advancement in the field of operative dentistry. Upon completion of the program, graduates can pursue careers as lecturers in both government and private sectors, as well as practice in the field of operative dentistry. The program incorporates new technologies to ensure that students stay updated with modern practices and continue to develop their skills for future application. These acquired skills can be utilized in their future endeavors.
Career Path Advice
Graduates from this program can become a dental specialist in Operative Dentistry. A dental specialist plays a crucial role in providing holistic patient care, including conservative and aesthetic dental restorations, as well as personalized treatment planning that suits individual needs. Operative dentistry is a delicate field that requires the integration of scientific knowledge and artistic skills to maximize benefits for patients. It demands a high level of expertise and proficiency. Currently, there is a shortage of dental specialists in remote areas, making it a highly sought-after profession both in government and private sectors.
Course Details
Curriculum Structure
The curriculum consists of lectures, seminars, and practical laboratory sessions, spanning a duration of 3 years. Students are also involved in research projects that can be disseminated at national and international levels.
จำนวนหน่วยกิตรายวิชาเรียนทั้งหมด |
82 หน่วยกิต |
ประกอบด้วย |
รายวิชาบังคับร่วม |
3 หน่วยกิต |
รายวิชาบังคับเฉพาะแขนงวิชา |
72 หน่วยกิต |
รายวิชาเลือก |
7 หน่วยกิต |
ข้อมูลหลักสูตรสามารถดูได้ที่ website บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย หัวข้อ www.register.gradchula.com or www.dent.chula.ac.th/grad
Academic Calendar
ระบบทวิภาค (นานาชาติ)
First Semester |
August – December |
Second Semester |
January – May |
Summer |
June – July |
- Hold a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University accredited by the Ministry of Education and/or the Dental Council of Thailand. / GPAX at least 2.5
- Hold a valid License to Practise Dentistry from Thai Dental Council/ or applicants who do not have a Thai Dental Practice License must provide Thai Dental Examination for Registration and Licensing to Practise Dentistry Part I and Part II passing scores for admission.
- Obtain at least one year of working experience in dental practice.(from license granted date till begin of first semester.)
- CU-TEP score of at least 60 or TOEFL (PBT or equivalent iBT) score of at least 470 or IELTS score of at least 4.5 taken within 2 years. (Applicants with CU-TEP score of at least 30 or TOEFL score of at least 400 or IELTS score of at least 3.0 may be admitted to the program but they have to meet the language proficiency requirement of the graduate school before graduation.)
- Possess qualifications complied with those announced by the Graduate College (to be announced yearly). The Program Administrative Committee reserves the rights to consider other qualifications that deem appropriate to be eligible for admission application.
How to apply
Tuition Fees
ภาคต้น/ปลาย |
ภาคการศึกษาละ 83,000 บาท |
ภาคฤดูร้อน |
ภาคการศึกษาละ 40,000 บาท |
Activities of the Program
- “Ban Pak Kret Dentistry Project”: Students will have the opportunity to provide dental treatments, specifically root canal treatments, to underprivileged children in Ban Pak Kret.
- Faculty’s Free Dental Services: Throughout the year, students can actively participate in providing free dental services to patients during the Community Dental Health Day.
- Continuous Education Conference: Graduate students in the program can engage in academic conferences related to the field, either as participants or as teaching assistants in practical and clinical sessions.
- Advanced dental photography training and CAD/CAM milling training.
Department of Operative Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Chulalongkorn University
10th Floor, Borommanard Srinakarin Building
34 Henri-Dunant Road,
Wangmai, Patumwan,
Bangkok, 10330,