Program overview

Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology



Higher Graduate Diploma

International Program


3 years




Language of Instruction


Residency Training


3 years




Language of Instruction


Higher Graduate Diploma in Clinical Sciences Program in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

International Program

  • Period of Admission: February 1, 2024  – April 17, 2024

Procedure of admission

  1. Please read and following procedure of admission
  2. Application documents must copy to pdf files or image files
  3. Fill Application Form and Upload Application documents
  4. Pay the application fee and upload pay-in slip
  5. Staff sent confirmation email of application within 5 workdays

For further information pertaining to applicant’s qualifications, please contact

Assist. Prof. Phonkit Sinpitaksakul, D.D.S.
Department of Radiology
09.00 am – 04.00 pm
18th Floor, Borommanard Srinakarin Building

  • Tel. (+66) 0 2218 8780

About the Program

Thailand is currently experiencing rapid economic development, leading to improved knowledge and economic status among the population. This has increased the interest in oral health care of the general public, and thus the need for better, high-standard public dental treatment services. Currently, there are only 1,800 specialized dentists in Thailand, while our population is approximately 70,000,000, resulting in a ratio of 1:39,000, indicating a significant shortage of specialized dentists. Therefore, it is essential to produce more specialized dentists with enhanced knowledge, competency, and specialized skills.

Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology is one of the specialized branches of dentistry that focuses on the use of X-ray imaging. This includes techniques for radiography in the oral cavity, extraoral radiography, and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Additionally, it encompasses other advanced imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography.

Images of patients generated through the above-mentioned processes significantly aid in diagnosing diseases in the head and face region. These include common conditions such as dental caries and periodontal diseases, as well as lesions and tumors in the maxillofacial bones, which may not be visible during a clinical examination. They also provide crucial information for planning treatments such as maxillofacial surgeries, dental implantations, and complex root canal treatments.


ผศ.ทพ.พลกฤษณ์ ศิลป์พิทักษ์สกุล Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Phonkit Sinpitaksakul

(Course Director)

อ.ทญ.อรอนงค์ ศิลโกเศศศักดิ์ Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Onanong Silkosessak

อ.ทญ.ดร.วรรณาภรณ์ ชื่นชมพูนุท Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Vannaporn Chuenchompoonut

ผศ.ทญ.ดร.พิสชา พิทยพัฒน์ Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Assist. Prof. Pisha Pittayapat

อ.ทพ.ดร.พรกวี เจริญลาภ Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Pornkawee Charoenlarp

อ.ทพ.สรรพัชญ เบญจวงศ์กุลชัย Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Sunpatch Benjavongkulchai

อ.ทญ.นภัส ลัภนะก่อเกียรติ Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

อ.ทญ.นภัส ลัภนะก่อเกียรติ

อ.ทญ.ธนัชพร จินดานิล Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Thanatchaporn Jindanil

Which program is right for you?


Department of Radiology

Faculty of Dentistry

Chulalongkorn University

18th Floor, Borommanard Srinakarin Building
34 Henri-Dunant Road,
Wangmai, Patumwan,
Bangkok, 10330,

  • Tel +66 2218 8780
  • Email
  • Facebook

Program Assistant

  • Assist. Prof. Phonkit Sinpitaksakul