Ph.D. (Clinical Pathology) | Mahidol University | B.E. 2552 |
D.D.S. (Dentistry) | Chulalongkorn University | B.E. 2545 |
Selected Publications
- Kanchanasevee, C., Chantarangsu, S., Pittayapat, P., Porntaveetus, T. Patterns of nonsyndromic tooth agenesis and sexual dimorphism. BMC Oral Health, 2023, 23(1), 37.
- Torrungruang, K., Chantarangsu, S., Sura, T., Thienpramuk, L. Interplay between vitamin D receptor FokI polymorphism and smoking influences Porphyromonas gingivalis proportions in subgingival plaque. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2020, 47(8), pp. 912–920.
- Chantarangsu, S., Sura, T., Mongkornkarn, S., Donsakul, K., Torrungruang, K. Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and smoking in the risk of chronic periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology, 2016, 87(11), pp. 1343–1351
- Chantarangsu, S., Mushiroda, T., Mahasirimongkol, S., et al. Genome-wide association study identifies variations in 6p21.3 associated with nevirapine-induced rash Clinical Infectious. Diseases, 2011, 53(4), pp. 341–348.
- Wangsomboonsiri, W., Mahasirimongkol, S., Chantarangsu, S., et al. Association between HLA-B*4001 and lipodystrophy among HIV-infected patients from Thailand who received a stavudine-containing antiretroviral regimen. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2010, 50(4), pp. 597–604.
- Hosono, N., Chantarangsu, S., Kiyotani, K., et al. Development of new HLA-B*3505 genotyping method using invader assay. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics, 2010, 20(10), pp. 630–633.
- Chantarangsu, S., Cressey, T.R., Mahasirimongkol, S., et al. Influence of CYP2B6 polymorphisms on the persistence of plasma nevirapine concentrations following a single intra-partum dose for the prevention of mother to child transmission in HIV-infected Thai women
- Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2009, 64(6), pp. 1265–1273, dkp351. 8. Chantarangsu, S., Mushiroda, T., Mahasirimongkol, S., et al. HLA-B* 3505 allele is a strong predictor for nevirapine-induced skin adverse drug reactions in HIV-infected Thai patients. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics, 2009, 19(2), pp. 139–146