ศ.ทพญ.ดร.มรกต เปี่ยมใจ

Prof. Morakot Piemjai




Ph.D. (Biomaterials)Tokyo Medical and Dental University, JapanB.E. 2546
Diplomate, Thai Board of ProsthodonticsThe Dental CouncilB.E. 2557
M.D.Sc. (Prosthodontics)University of Melbourne, AustraliaB.E. 2537
D.D.S. (Dentistry)Chulalongkorn UniversityB.E. 2532

Academic Paper


A : Article in Journal

Piemjai M, Lenglerdphol S. Effect of strong tooth-bleaching with 38% hydrogen peroxide on marginal seal of dental restorations using self-etch and total-etch adhesives. J Esthet Restor Dent. March 2018;30(2):153-159. SCOPUS 
Piemjai M, Chantarawej P, Nakabayashi N, Garcia-Godoy F. Prognosis test by visualization of demineralized dentin under restorations to prevent initial wall-lesions initiated by lactic acid. Am J Dent. June 2017;30(3):119-124. SCOPUS 
Adunphichet N, Piemjai M. Effect of Cements on Survival and Complication Rates of Crowns: 10-Year Clinical Evaluation. J Dent Assoc Thai. October – December 2017;67(4):307-320. TCI 1 
Piemjai M, Özcan M, Garcia-Godoy F, Nakabayashi N. A 10-year clinical evaluation of resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses on non-prepared teeth. Eur J Prosthodont Restor. Dent. 2016;24(2):63-70. SCOPUS 
Piemjai M, Nakabayashi N, Direct tensile strength and characteristics of dentin restored with all-ceramic, resin-composite and cast metal prostheses cemented with resin adhesives. Biomed Res Int. October 2015;656948. doi:10.1155/2015/656948. SCOPUS 

Text Book

Morakot Piemjai (Tuntiprawon): Advanced Fixed Prosthodontics: Dentin Protection for Life-long Function. Samcharoen Panich Co., Bangkok, Thailand, 2015;1-244.