อ.ทพ.ดร.ณัฐวุฒิ คุตตะเทพ

Natthavoot Koottathape



Ph.D. (Biomaterials)Tokyo Medical and Dental University, JAPANB.E. 2556
Diplomate, Thai Board of ProsthodonticsThe Dental CouncilB.E. 2558
M.Sc. (Prosthodontics)Chulalongkorn UniversityB.E. 2550
Grad. Dip. in Clin. Sc. (Prosthodontics)Chiang Mai UniversityB.E. 2545
D.D.S. (Dentistry)Chiang Mai UniversityB.E. 2541

Academic Paper


B : Proceedings (Peer Review)

Foungfu P, Koottathape N. Effect of Compositions and Beverages on Color Stability of Acrylic Resin Teeth after the Periods of Storage. The 20th National Graduate Research Conference, Khon Kaen University, March 15 2019:1381-1387.